Exemption from military service

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, military service exemptions are based on the laws and regulations determined by the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. These laws include a set of cases and conditions that, according to the status of people, make them eligible for exemption or reduction of service.

In any case, in the following text we will evaluate the general conditions for the verification of medical documents and death certificates of Iranians living in America.

Types of military exemption

In Iran, military exemption can be divided into two categories: temporary and permanent. Below is an explanation of both types of exemptions:

Temporary exemption is an exemption by which people are exempted from military service for a certain period of time. This type of exemption is usually granted due to factors such as college education, full-time employment, marriage, and other similar circumstances.

Permanent exemption is granted to people who are permanently exempt from military service. This type of exemption is granted due to certain conditions and situations, such as physical or mental disability, certain diseases that do not allow military service, lack of ability to serve in a military environment, etc.

The most common cases of military exemption

Military exemption is a sensitive and complex issue that is applied in different societies according to different conditions and regulations. These exemptions allow people who are unable to perform military service for some reason to be exempt from military service or to delay it. In the following, we will introduce the most common cases of exemption from military service.

medical Exemption

Specific and chronic diseases that have been approved by the welfare organization can be a basis for temporary exemption from military service in Iran. These diseases may include physical and mental diseases. Some of these diseases include:

  • Heart diseases: such as vascular diseases, angina pectoris and heart failure.

  • Lung diseases: such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and chronic inflammatory lung disease (such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema).

  • Kidney diseases: such as chronic kidney failure and kidney-related diseases.

  • Neurological diseases: such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other chronic neurological disorders.

Mental illnesses: such as major depressive disorder, major anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and other chronic mental disorders.

A physical or mental disability confirmed by the welfare organization can be a basis for temporary exemption from military service in Iran. People who have a physical or mental disability and have received confirmation of this disability from the welfare organization, can benefit from a temporary military exemption.

  • Physical disabilities may include movement disorders, vision and hearing disorders, organ disorders (such as heart, lung, kidney, etc.) and other physical disabilities.

  • Intellectual disability may also include psychological and mental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and other mental disorders.

Medical exemption conditions

To receive a temporary exemption from military service based on a physical or mental disability, you must go to the relevant welfare organization and receive a diagnosis and confirmation of your disability through them. Then submit the relevant documents and documents to the competent authorities in the police force organization to follow up on the request for temporary exemption.

Waiver of sponsorship

Taking care of parents or siblings under supervision can be a basis for temporary exemption from military service in Iran. People who are responsible for the care and maintenance of parents or siblings under supervision and who are unable to perform military service, can enjoy a temporary exemption from military service. To claim this exemption, you must provide documentation showing responsibility for caring for a parent or supervised sibling at home. These documents can include documents such as birth certificates of parents or siblings, confirmation from doctors or specialists about their health status, and other relevant documents.

Exemption from the military, special cases of leadership amnesty

Leader’s amnesty means the decision of the leader of the Islamic Revolution, according to which some people are exempted or reduced from military service. If the leader’s amnesty regarding military service is on the agenda, military exemption will be issued to these people. This exemption can include a discount on the duration of military service, a complete exemption from military service, or other special facilities related to military service. In these cases, the conditions and criteria for applying leadership amnesty and military exemption are determined by the competent authorities and may be different depending on specific cases and related decisions.

education pardon

Educational exemption means to be exempted from military service due to studying in certain educational levels. In many countries, people who are studying for higher education can be exempted from military service or receive a delay in doing it. In Iran, there are educational exemptions for certain educational levels.

Usually, students who study at higher levels of education such as doctorates, masters and some other degrees can delay military service. In order to be exempted from military service in Iran, the student must meet certain conditions and criteria, which are determined according to the relevant laws and regulations. This exemption is limited to certain educational levels and requires the submission of relevant documents and information.

Elite military exemption

The elite exemption is actually considered a form of military service deficit. This type of waiver allows elites to reduce their military service to a limited extent by completing a successful research project. After completing a research project, conscripts can typically shave 19 months off their military service. These people can receive an end of service card after completing the training course. Soldiers who intend to use this type of exemption should contact the relevant authorities such as the Armed Forces Organization or the Military Registration Office in their region to receive more detailed conditions and regulations about the elite exemption and the procedure for doing it.

Exemption of help seekers

Conscript exemption is granted to people who have someone in their family who is covered by the welfare organization or relief committee. This exemption is considered to facilitate the care and support of people who have a special condition.

The exact conditions and regulations for military exemption of applicants are determined by the Armed Forces Organization. To qualify for this exemption, beneficiaries must meet certain conditions, which may include the following:

  • There is a person in the family who is covered by the welfare organization or the relief committee.

  • Having official documents that show the status of the family member.

  • Relevant confirmation from the welfare organization or relief committee that there is a need for special support and care.

final word

Although the military is a tough experience, it gives young people a unique opportunity for personal growth and development. During the military service, young people can learn the necessary skills to defend the country in the necessary time by learning the military service. The military teaches young people skills such as discipline, cooperation, responsibility, leadership, and pressure tolerance. Therefore, it is better for people who are qualified to take this course.

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